Zeelandia gets a new bowsprit!!

At the end of last summer I noticed the bowsprit had shifted about an eighth of an inch. Upon further investigation, much dry rot was discovered and the decision to replace confirmed.

Here’s the old sprit before removal:


Here’s what was left to clean up after removal:


I started looking for white oak, which is what the original is made of, but I also considered douglas fir. I finally spoke with Niko at Deadstok Reclaimed (deadstok.ca) and they had some amazing longleaf pine reclaimed from an old building torn down at Yonge and Wellesley in Toronto.


We got started by stripping the hardware off the original. Which required cutting the tip off and using a torch!


Next the guys at Deadstok laminated up the rough dimensions.


Then the “sculpting” began..


Here are some photos comparing the old and the new.

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And here are some shots of the final installation:

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I am extremely pleased with the amazing job Deadstok did with this project!